Blue card Greece

The Blue Card of Greece offers highly qualified professionals from countries outside the European Union a unique opportunity to work and reside in a country with a rich cultural heritage and a developing economy. This document not only facilitates career advancement, but also provides the right to long-term residence in Greece. In this article we will look at the key aspects of obtaining a Blue Card in Greece, including the requirements and application process.

Requirements for candidates

In order to qualify for a Blue Card in Greece, applicants must fulfil the following criteria:

  1. Higher education: A diploma of higher education obtained through a training programme of at least three years’ duration.
  2. Professional Experience: Significant professional experience relevant to the specialisation may be considered as an alternative to the educational requirement.
  3. Job offer: Possession of a valid job offer from a Greek employer for a position requiring high qualifications.
  4. Salary: Salary must exceed the minimum threshold for a Blue Card, which in Greece is usually twice the national average salary.

Application process

Applying for a blue card involves several steps:

  1. Document Collection: Candidates need to collect a complete package of documents which includes diplomas, CVs, employment contract, salary proof and proof of professional qualifications.
  2. Application: The application is submitted through the Greek Migration Service or at the Greek Consulate in the candidate’s country of residence. The application can be submitted in person or through a lawyer specialised in migration law.
  3. Waiting for a decision: Application processing time can vary, but usually ranges from a few weeks to a few months.

Advantages of the blue card

The Blue Card of Greece offers a number of benefits for foreign professionals:

  • The right to work and reside in Greece.
  • Opportunity for family reunification, which allows family members to live with the cardholder.
  • Access to the labour market for spouses without an additional work permit.
  • The prospect of long-term residence and the possibility of applying for permanent residence after five years.

The Blue Card of Greece opens the door for highly qualified foreign professionals to the European economy and culture. Compliance with all requirements and careful preparation of documents increase the chances of successfully obtaining this status, which favours professional and personal development in one of the most picturesque and historically significant countries in Europe.

Who can apply for a blue card for Greece?

The Blue Card of Greece is a work and residence permit for highly qualified foreign professionals from countries outside the European Union. This document is designed to strengthen the local economy by attracting international talent in various sectors. This article will detail the requirements that need to be fulfilled to apply for a Blue Card in Greece.

Requirements for candidates

To obtain a Blue Card in Greece, the candidate must fulfil the following basic requirements:

  1. Higher Education:
    • Possession of a higher education diploma obtained as a result of studies of at least three years’ duration. This may be a bachelor’s, master’s or equivalent degree.
  2. Professional Experience:
    • As an alternative to education, candidates may demonstrate a minimum of five years of professional experience in a highly skilled position relevant to their education.
  3. Labour contract:
    • Existence of a valid contract with a Greek employer for a position that requires high qualifications. The position and the terms and conditions of employment must be in line with the applicant’s qualifications.
  4. Wages:
    • The salary offered must exceed the minimum salary threshold, which is usually twice the national average salary. This confirms that the job offered corresponds to a highly skilled category.

Application process

Candidates fulfilling the above criteria can apply for blue card as follows:

  1. Document preparation:
    • Gathering all necessary documents, including diploma, proof of qualifications, employment contract, and proof of salary.
  2. Submitting an application through the migration service:
    • The application is submitted either in person or through a lawyer to the Greek Migration Service. The application can be submitted in Greece or through the Greek diplomatic mission in the candidate’s country of residence.

Obtaining a Blue Card for Greece is an important step for highly qualified foreign professionals seeking to expand their professional horizons and improve their quality of life. Compliance with all requirements and successful application opens up opportunities for professionals to work and live in one of the most picturesque countries in Europe for the long term.

Greece blue card requirements

The Blue Card of Greece is a work and residence permit for highly qualified professionals from countries outside the European Union. This document provides unique opportunities for professional and personal development in one of the most historically significant countries in Europe. In this article we will take a closer look at the main requirements to obtain a Blue Card in Greece.

Basic requirements

In order to obtain a blue card in Greece, applicants must fulfil the following criteria:

  1. Higher Education:
    • The candidate must have a higher education diploma from a study programme of at least three years’ duration. Preference is given to professions that are in demand in the Greek labour market.
  2. Professional Experience:
    • As an alternative to tertiary education, candidates may provide evidence of professional experience in a highly skilled position. The work experience should be at least five years and should be at the level of qualification required for the position.
  3. Labour contract:
    • A valid employment contract with a Greek employer is required. The contract must be for at least one year and the position must require high qualifications.
  4. Wages:
    • The salary level must be higher than the established minimum for a Blue Card in Greece. This is usually twice the average salary in the country. This requirement ensures that the professional has sufficient funds to support himself and his family.
  5. Language proficiency:
    • Although knowledge of Greek is not a requirement, proficiency in English or another common language spoken in the EU will be an advantage. Knowledge of Greek can contribute to a more successful integration into the community and professional environment.

Application process

Applying for a blue card involves several steps:

  1. Document collection:
    • Applicants must prepare a full package of documents including diplomas, proof of qualifications, employment contract and proof of salary.
  2. Applying:
    • The application for a Blue Card is submitted to the local branch of the Greek Migration Service or through the Greek Consulate in the applicant’s country of residence.
  3. Payment of Fees:
    • The applicant must pay the state fee for the application. The amount of the fee depends on the type of application and may vary.
  4. Consideration of the application:
    • Application processing time can vary, but usually ranges from a few weeks to a few months.

Obtaining a Blue Card in Greece offers highly qualified foreign professionals unique opportunities to work and live in one of the most historically rich and culturally significant countries in Europe. Compliance with all established requirements and correct preparation of documents significantly increases the chances of successfully obtaining this important status.

How do I get the blue card in Greece?

The Blue Card of Greece offers highly qualified professionals from outside the European Union the opportunity to work and reside in a country known for its rich cultural heritage and dynamic economy. This document is the key to successful integration into the Greek labour market and offers many opportunities for professional growth. In this article we will look at the step-by-step process of obtaining a Blue Card in Greece.

Step 1: Checking compliance with requirements

Before you begin the process of applying for a blue card, make sure you meet the following requirements:

  • Higher education: a diploma of higher education obtained through a study programme of at least three years’ duration.
  • Professional experience: as an alternative to higher education, the applicant may provide evidence of five years’ experience in a highly skilled position.
  • Employment contract: a confirmed job offer from a Greek employer for a highly qualified position.
  • Salary: the salary offered must exceed the minimum blue card threshold, which is usually twice the national average salary.

Step 2: Gathering the necessary documents

To apply for a blue card, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • Blue Card Application.
  • High school diploma with translation into Greek, if necessary.
  • A labour contract with a Greek employer confirming the terms and conditions of employment.
  • Confirmation of wages that meet the established minimum wage.
  • Medical insurance valid in Greece.
  • Financial documents proving your ability to support yourself during your stay in Greece.

Step 3: Submitting an application

The application for a blue card is submitted through:

  • The local office of the Greek Migration Service if you are already in the country.
  • The Greek Consulate or Embassy in your country if you are applying from abroad.

When applying, it is important to make sure that all documents are correct and compliant.

Step 4: Payment of fees

In order for the application to be processed, a state fee must be paid. The amount of the fee depends on the type of visa and the specific circumstances of the application, so it is recommended to clarify this information in advance on the official website of the Migration Service or at the consulate.

Step 5: Waiting for a decision

Once all the necessary documents have been submitted, the application process begins, which can take from several weeks to several months. During this period it is important to keep in touch with the migration authorities and be ready to provide additional documents or information upon request.

Step 6: Obtaining a blue card

If the application is approved, the candidate receives a Blue Card, which entitles him/her to legally reside and work in Greece. The Blue Card is issued for a period of up to four years with the possibility of renewal, provided that the candidate continues to fulfil all the requirements.

Obtaining a Blue Card in Greece is a process that requires careful preparation and compliance with all established procedures. Successfully obtaining this document opens up many opportunities for professional and personal growth for foreign specialists in one of the most attractive countries in Europe.

How much do I have to earn to qualify for a blue card in Greece?

The Greek Blue Card is a work and residence permit granted to highly qualified professionals from countries outside the European Union. One of the key criteria for obtaining this status is meeting a certain minimum salary level. In this article, we take a closer look at what earnings are required to qualify for a Blue Card in Greece and why this criterion is important.

Minimum salary threshold

In order to qualify for a Blue Card in Greece, an applicant must provide evidence that his/her salary meets or exceeds a set minimum threshold. This threshold is set by the government and is usually 1.5-2 times the national average salary.

For the year 2023, the minimum salary for Blue Card candidates in Greece is approximately €33,500 per year. This amount is subject to change depending on the economic situation and government decisions.

Importance of salary matching

Setting a high salary threshold serves several purposes:

  • Economic stability: Ensures that Blue Card holders will have sufficient funds to live comfortably in Greece without having to apply for social assistance.
  • Attracting qualified specialists: A high salary level confirms that the applicant holds a highly qualified position in demand on the labour market.
  • Promoting economic growth: Attracting high-income professionals helps to develop key economic sectors and increase tax revenues.

Income verification process

In order to prove eligibility, the candidate must provide a number of documents:

  • A contract of employment that specifies the salary.
  • Written confirmation from the employer with information about income and working conditions.
  • Bank statements or tax returns if the applicant is already working in Greece.

A minimum salary is an important criterion for obtaining a Blue Card in Greece. It confirms the qualification and importance of a specialist in the labour market, and also guarantees the economic stability of the candidate during his/her residence in the country. Understanding this requirement and meeting it significantly increases the chances of successfully obtaining a Blue Card, opening a wide range of opportunities for foreign professionals to work and live in Greece.

What opportunities does the blue card offer in Greece?

The Blue Card in Greece is more than just a work and residence permit, it is a tool that opens up many opportunities for highly qualified foreign professionals to develop professionally and personally in one of the most culturally rich and historically significant countries in Europe. In this article we will look at the key benefits and opportunities that the Blue Card in Greece offers.

Professional Opportunities

  1. Access to high-skilled jobs:
    • The Blue Card entitles you to work in highly skilled positions in various sectors of the Greek economy such as information technology, engineering, finance, medicine and science.
    • Blue Card holders can apply for managerial and specialised positions that require a high level of competence and experience.
  2. Career growth and development:
    • Greece actively attracts foreign specialists, which contributes to the development of innovation and technology in the country. This creates favourable conditions for professional growth and career advancement.
    • Participation in international projects and programmes, cooperation with leading companies and organisations provide unique opportunities to expand professional skills and knowledge.

Educational and scientific opportunities

  1. Access to the higher education system:
    • Blue Card holders can continue their education in Greek universities and research institutes. This opens up prospects for further academic and professional development.
    • Opportunity to participate in international educational and research programmes, which allows you to gain best practices and knowledge.
  2. Professional courses and trainings:
    • Greece offers a wide range of professional development programmes, enabling professionals to remain competitive in the labour market and develop their professional skills.

Opportunities for families

  1. Family Reunion:
    • Blue Card holders can invite their family members to reside in Greece. This includes spouses and minor children, who receive the right of residence and access to education and health care.
    • The spouse of a Blue Card holder may also be entitled to work in Greece, which ensures the financial stability of the family.
  2. High quality of life:
    • Greece is known for its high standard of living, favourable climate and access to cultural and historical attractions. Accommodation in Greece provides excellent conditions for family life and raising children.

Long-term perspectives

  1. Obtaining a permanent residence permit:
    • After five years of continuous residence in Greece on a Blue Card, card holders can apply for a permanent residence permit, which provides long-term stability and security.
  2. Citizenship:
    • In the long term, Blue Card holders can apply for Greek citizenship, which opens access to all the rights and privileges of European Union citizens.

The Blue Card of Greece not only grants foreign professionals the right to work and reside, but also opens the door to a multitude of opportunities for professional and personal development. It is an ideal tool for those seeking career development, high quality of life and long-term prospects in one of the most attractive countries in Europe.

Greece blue card application process

The Blue Card of Greece is an important tool for attracting highly qualified professionals from countries outside the European Union. This document grants the right to work and reside in Greece, opening up a wide range of opportunities for professional growth and development. In this article we will look in detail at the process of applying for a Blue Card in Greece, including the key steps and requirements.

Step 1: Checking compliance with requirements

Before you start the application process, you need to make sure that you meet the basic requirements for a blue card:

  • Higher education: A diploma of higher education obtained through a training programme of at least three years’ duration.
  • Professional experience: An alternative to higher education is five years of experience in a highly skilled position.
  • Employment contract: Having a confirmed job offer from a Greek employer for a position requiring high qualifications.
  • Salary: The salary offered must exceed a set minimum threshold, which is usually twice the national average salary.

Step 2: Gathering the necessary documents

To apply for a blue card, you will need to prepare the following package of documents:

  • Blue Card Application Form.
  • High school diploma with translation into Greek, if necessary.
  • Employment contract with a Greek employer, confirming the terms of employment and salary level.
  • Proof of eligible salary.
  • Health insurance covering the entire period of stay in Greece.
  • Financial documents proving the ability to support yourself and your family during your stay.

Step 3: Submitting an application

Submitting an application can be done in the following ways:

  • Through the local office of the Greek Migration Service: If the applicant is already in Greece.
  • At the Greek Consulate or Embassy in your country: If applying from abroad.

When applying, it is important to make sure that all documents are correct and in accordance with the requirements of Greek law.

Step 4: Payment of state fees

In order to process an application for a Blue Card, a government fee must be paid. The amount of the fee may vary depending on the type of visa and the specific circumstances of the application. It is recommended to check the amount of the fee in advance on the official website of the Migration Service or at the consulate.

Step 5: Waiting for a decision

Once the application is submitted, the processing of the application begins. Processing time can take from several weeks to several months, depending on the workload of the migration authorities and the completeness of the submitted documents. It is important to stay in contact with the migration authorities and be ready to provide additional documents or information upon request.

Step 6: Obtaining a blue card

If the application is approved, the candidate receives a Blue Card, which grants the right to legally reside and work in Greece. The Blue Card is usually issued for a period of up to four years with the possibility of renewal, provided that the candidate continues to fulfil all the requirements.

The process of obtaining a Blue Card in Greece requires careful preparation and compliance with all established procedures. Successful execution of this document opens up a wide range of opportunities for highly qualified foreign specialists to work and live in one of the most attractive countries in Europe. Compliance with all requirements and proper preparation of documents significantly increases the chances of successfully obtaining a Blue Card.

Where can I get Greece blue card?

The Blue Card of Greece is a document granting highly qualified foreign professionals the right to work and reside in the country. This status opens up many opportunities for professional development and life in Greece. However, in order to obtain a Blue Card, you need to go through a number of procedures and apply to the relevant authorities. In this article, we will look at where and how you can apply for a Blue Card in Greece.

Applying for a blue card: main locations

  1. Local office of the Greek Migration Service
    • For those who are already in Greece: If you are already in the country, you can apply for a blue card at the nearest Migration Office (Υπηρεσία Αλλοδαπών και Μετανάστευσης). There you will be helped to fill in all the necessary documents and given information about the further process.
    • Advantages: Personal presence allows for quick resolution of questions and clarification of details on the spot.
  2. Greek consulate or embassy in your country
    • For those outside Greece: The application for a Blue Card can be submitted through the Greek Consulate or Embassy in your country of residence. This is particularly convenient for professionals who are planning to relocate and want to finalise all the necessary documents before arriving in Greece.
    • Procedure: The consulate or embassy will help you with the application, collect documents and provide information on the next steps.

Basic documents for application

Regardless of where you apply, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • Blue Card Application.
  • A valid passport.
  • High school diploma with translation into Greek, if required.
  • Employment contract with a Greek employer confirming the terms and conditions of employment.
  • Proof of a salary that meets the established minimum threshold for the blue card.
  • Medical insurance valid in Greece.
  • Financial documents that prove your ability to provide for yourself and your family.

Application process

The Blue Card application process may vary depending on your location. It is important to make sure that all documents are filled in correctly and submitted in full. You should also note that the procedure can take from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the workload of the migration services.

Payment of state duties

A state fee must be paid when submitting the application. The amount of the fee may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the application. It is recommended to check the latest information on this issue with the migration service or consulate.

Obtaining a Blue Card in Greece requires following certain procedures and preparing the necessary documents. Depending on your location, you can apply through your local Greek Migration Service office or through the Greek Consulate/Ambassy in your country. Correct documentation and compliance with all requirements will greatly increase your chances of successfully obtaining a Blue Card, opening up opportunities to work and live in one of the most attractive countries in Europe.

Greece blue card processing time

The Blue Card of Greece grants highly qualified foreign professionals the right to work and reside in one of the most culturally rich and historically significant countries in Europe. However, obtaining this document requires time and careful preparation. In this article we will look at how long it takes to process an application for a Blue Card in Greece and what factors can affect the process.

Main stages of application processing

The process of obtaining a blue card in Greece involves several key steps, each of which takes a certain amount of time:

  1. Collection and filing of documents:
    • The time it takes to prepare the documents depends on the candidate. It usually takes from a few weeks to a month, depending on how quickly all the necessary paperwork can be collected, including diplomas, employment contract, proof of salary and other required documents.
  2. Verification and review of documents by the migration service:
    • Once the application is submitted, the migration services begin to process it. The processing time may vary depending on the workload of the migration services and the complexity of the case. On average, this stage can take from one to three months.
  3. Request for additional information or documents:
    • In some cases, the migration service may request additional documents or information. This may extend the processing process by several weeks.
  4. Making a decision and issuing a blue card:
    • After reviewing all documents, a decision is made on the issuance of the blue card. If approved, the application proceeds to the stage of document processing, which can also take from a few weeks to a month.

Factors affecting processing time

Several factors can affect the processing time of a blue card application in Greece:

  • Completeness and accuracy of documents: Applications that contain all required documents and are filled out correctly are processed faster.
  • Busy migration services: Processing times may increase during busy periods (e.g. tourist season).
  • Complexity of the case: If the application requires additional checks or involves complex circumstances, this may prolong the review process.
  • Communication with the applicant: A quick response to the migration service can speed up the process.

How to speed up the process

To reduce the waiting time, it is recommended that:

  • Prepare documents thoroughly: Make sure that all documents are collected and correctly completed to avoid delays due to the need to submit additional paperwork.
  • Apply early: If you plan to start your job within a certain time frame, apply early.
  • Promptly respond to requests: Promptly providing additional documents or information at the request of the migration service will help speed up the process.

The processing time for a Blue Card application in Greece can vary depending on many factors, including the completeness of your documents, the workload of the migration authorities and the complexity of your case. On average, the process takes between one and three months, but can take longer depending on circumstances. Understanding these steps and factors will help you better prepare your application and minimise the waiting time, opening up opportunities to work and live in Greece.

Changing jobs with a blue card in Greece

The Blue Card of Greece grants highly qualified foreign professionals the right to work and reside in the country. However, in the course of professional activity, it may be necessary to change jobs. This process requires compliance with certain rules and procedures established by the Greek migration legislation. In this article we will discuss the main aspects of changing jobs with a Blue Card in Greece and give recommendations on how to correctly organise this process.

Conditions for changing blue card jobs

  1. Matching the new position to the requirements of the blue card:
    • The new job must fulfil the same criteria as the original job for which the blue card was obtained. This means that the position must require high qualifications and the salary must exceed the minimum threshold for a Blue Card in Greece.
  2. Notification of migration authorities:
    • A change of job requires mandatory notification to the Greek Migration Services. This must be done before starting work at the new place of employment in order to avoid possible legal consequences, including the cancellation of the Blue Card.
  3. Obtaining authorisation to change jobs:
    • In some cases, it may be necessary to apply for a change of conditions of the blue card if the new job is different from the one indicated when the card was originally obtained. This application must also be reviewed and approved by the Migration Service.

The process of changing jobs

  1. Receiving a new job offer:
    • Before you start processing a job change, you must receive a new offer from your employer. It is important that the conditions of the new job meet the requirements of the Blue Card.
  2. Preparation and filing of documents:
    • After receiving a new offer, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents, including a new employment contract, proof of salary, and a notice of change of employment. These documents are submitted to the local office of the migration service.
  3. Waiting for a decision:
    • The Migration Board examines the application for a change of job and makes a decision. This process can take from several weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the case and the workload of the service.
  4. Starting a new job at a new location:
    • After obtaining permission from the migration service, you can start working in your new place. It is important to make sure that all formalities are observed in order to avoid legal problems.

Important aspects to be taken into account

  1. Compliance with legislation:
    • Failure to follow the established procedures when changing jobs may lead to cancellation of the blue card and subsequent deportation. Therefore, it is important to strictly follow the established rules and notify the migration authorities in a timely manner.
  2. Risks and responsibilities of the employer:
    • The new employer should also be aware of the requirements of migration legislation and be prepared to provide the necessary documents to prove that the new position meets the blue card requirements.
  3. Consultation with a lawyer:
    • To minimise risks, it is recommended to consult a lawyer specialising in migration law, especially if the new position differs significantly from the previous one.


Changing jobs with a Blue Card in Greece is a process that requires careful adherence to all procedures and requirements established by the migration legislation. Correct paperwork, timely notification of the migration authorities and compliance with all legal formalities will help to avoid potential problems and ensure a successful transition to a new job. This will allow you to continue your professional activity in Greece without the risk of losing your right to reside and work in the country.